Saturday, July 29, 2006

Blogroll additon: Anti-CAIR

CAIR, the Coucil for American Islamic Relations, fashions itself along the lines of an NAACP for Muslims.

Here's what the senior senator of my home state, Democrat Dick Durbin, said about them:

[CAIR is] unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect.

His fellow Democrat, Chuck Schumer added:

"We know [CAIR] has ties to terrorism."

It came to my attention earlier today that Anti-CAIR, a site run by Andy Whitehead, is not on my blogroll. It is now.

Mr. Whitehead was sued by CAIR more allegedly committing libel against the group. The case was dismissed with prejudice by a judge in Washington. "With prejudice" means the plaintiff, in this case CAIR, can never sue Whitehead for the statements in the original suit in any court.

From Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch on March 30:

$1.35 million libel suit filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) against Andrew Whitehead of Anti-CAIR (ACAIR), who called CAIR a "terrorist front organization," that was "founded by Hamas supporters," and was working to "make radical Islam the dominant religion in the United States," has been dismissed with prejudice. According to ACAIR’s Mr. Whitehead, who posts at, "a mutually agreeable settlement."

Terms of the settlement are confidential. However, no apology was issued, no retraction or corrections made, and the statements that triggered CAIR’s suit remain on the ACAIR website.

More details on the dismissal can be found here.

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